Top 5 albums of all time with Stevie from The Dead Love


Spice up ya’ Iso Life

This week, we chatted to Stevie Knight, lead singer of Aussie punk favs The Dead Love. From Metallica to Spice Girls, Stevie’s Top 5 took us BACK, nostalgic fuzzies and timeless bangers all round. Turn the speakers up, sit back and enjoy.

Metallica - Black
”I chose this rip snorter of an album because it’s quite regularly spinning in the tour van and no one kicks up a fuss about changing it. We all would agree it’s frickin’ timeless!”

Basement - Promise Everything
”Again a van favourite amongst us all. This band has hooks for days, and this album is absolutely flawless.”

Spice Girls - Spiceworld
”No I’m not joking ... well maybe a bit. Admittedly a guilty pleasure, but when I was a little kid me and my sister would sing every word to every song. Obviously I’ve moved on from SG, but this brings me back to a time in my life. Every chorus is undeniably catchy.”

Blink 182 - Untitled
”This paved the way for me becoming a young adult. I’d skate everyday with a discman strapped to me and it was to this album getting flogged (and scratched) along with my body also getting flogged (and scratched).”

The Story So Far - Proper Dose
”Although this album is not very old at all, I can confidently say that every song on this album is a glorified banger…case closed!”

The self-proclaimed “shitty-grunge” lords have been keeping busy in iso, debuting a brand new single “My Friends” and accompanying video yesterday via triple j Unearthed. Calling on music mates from around the globe, this cracker of a video features members of DZ Deathrays, VOIID, Yours Truly, Bakers Eddy, Columbus, Redhook, Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers + stacks more. Check it out!


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