Giving back to the planet with our Gin & Tonic

We’re giving 1% of all G&T sales back to the planet.

Did you know - 1% of the sales from every Gin & Tonic tinnie we sell goes to helping mother earth? It may not seem like much, but when you take into consideration that there’s roughly 5,250 businesses from all kinds of industries across the globe doing the same thing every day through the 1% for the Planet network, that’s a potential game changer!

Founded in 2002 by trailblazing business owners and environmentalists Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, 1% for the Planet was born from a desire to create a platform for businesses to take responsibility for their ecological footprint. By committing to giving a portion of their earnings to environmental causes, businesses can actively contribute to positive change.

The 1% For The Planet team

How does it work?

According to YH mate, and 1% for the Planet’s Communications Manager Tatum Robinson, the organisation’s mission is twofold;

”We offer a way for businesses to hold themselves accountable for their impact while providing support for today’s most pressing environmental issues. Collective action adds up—which is why our model is so impactful.”

Currently, businesses from over 60 countries, from breweries to biotech giants, are giving 1% of their sales back to the planet. Partnering with over 6,500 trusted environmental organisations across the globe, to date they have seen over $580 Million in donations across their network, with the goal of hitting $1 Billion by 2027.

“It’s a high standard, but making a commitment to people and the planet  is the most important thing that businesses can be doing to build a better future.“
-Tatum Robinson

Where does the money go?

The organisation’s 6,500 environmental partners are grouped under four different impact areas: Rights to Nature, Conservation & Restoration, Resilient Communities and Just Economies. The best part about the 1% for the Planet model is that members are encouraged to choose where their money goes, with the option to go as granular as a specific cause, in a specific part of the world. Tatum notes that this gives members an opportunity to choose the causes they feel most aligned with, or those closely related to their operations.

Members also have the option of donating directly to the organisation, to support their efforts in reaching more businesses and expanding their network of environmental partners. This option is a way to ensure that 1% for the Planet has the resources to reach their goals across each of their impact areas.

How can you get involved?

For consumers looking to support the movement, 1% for the Planet offers a couple of avenues for engagement. By seeking out the organisation's logo on products, you can identify brands that are actively contributing your money to environmental causes. Additionally, their Planet Impact Fund provides a collaborative platform for individuals to maximize their impact through strategic investments and grants. You can learn more about that here.

So, why Gin & Tonic?

While all of our products have a direct connection to the planet through the ingredients used to create them, our Gin & Tonic is particularly special. With the aim of creating a uniquely Australian take on the classic cocktail, we used a bunch of native botanicals sourced from Australian growers including Lemon Myrtle and Tassie grown Pepperberry and Enigma hops with the permission of local Indigenous elders. The product is a celebration of the land we live on, and we welcome the responsibility to support causes that help preserve it for generations to come.

Click here to learn more about 1% For The Planet, and shop our Gin & Tonic below.


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