Young Henrys

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Another Year In Beer

Christmas, the baby shower that went totally overboard.

Mums everywhere stress the final details for Chrissy lunch and shops become more daunting as we put off buying our work KK presents (what can you honestly buy with a limit of $20?). At times like these, it’s nice to take a moment, pour yourself a beer and look back on the year that was...

Remember that time we brewed a beer with these guys? We do. Young Henrys x Foo Fighters’ Foo Town lager was one giant step for mankind and an even bigger step for our brewery – a superb way to kick off our year and an even better excuse to hang out with one of our all-time favourite bands.

We said another FUCK YOU to cancer with the second year of Barbe-Cure cooking up at the Commune in Waterloo. With delicious treats pouring in from our mates at Mary’s and Vejoes, as well as tipples from Archie RoseUrban WineryMothersky Coffee and of course, beers from us, crowds kicked back and enjoyed an arvo of good food and good tunes. And all the proceeds going to Cure Cancer Australia.

We made history teaming up with Byron Bay legends Afends to create Australia’s first (legal) Hemp IPA Beer. After roughly a gajillion knock-backs on our Hemp IPA label, we got artist SUDS onboard to create his playful FUN POLICE graphic - a cheeky dig at the endless regulator hoops we jumped through that still manages to colour within the lines. After all, a sick picture’s worth a thousand different words for weed.

Just last week we celebrated the 2nd Annual Tinnie Crack for our beloved Newtowner’s 6th birthday. Calling all our mates down to The Courty, we cracked a synchronised tinnie at 6pm, with a few lucky punters snaggin' a $100 golden (bar tab) ticket and Masha here showing us that dreams can come true...

We even joined forces with Westmont Pickles to create a beer pickle. The salty-sudded saviour to all your pickle woes? We thought so too. Loaded up with our Natural Lager and hops, this spicy cowboy packs a little punch. A perfect sidekick for any Chrissy present or Boxing Day snack straight outta the jar.

Get your paws on one in our online store

A solid year of mates, greats and brews!