Young Henrys

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All the goss from the Indies and ALIA Awards

Our legendary brew team

October was a MASSIVE month for our talented brew team whose hard work and good ol’ fashioned gumption went well and truly noticed across two tidy award hauls.

First up, the Independent Beer Awards (the Indies) on October 13th. This event is for members of the Independent Brewers Association and awards beers based on style guidelines and categories they are entered into by a panel of judges. This year saw YH pick up gongs for:

Natural Lager: Gold for Keg and Silver for Packaged in the Kellerbier/Zwickelbier category
Motorcycle Oil: Bronze for both Keg and Packaged in the American-Style Brown Ale category
Stayer: Bronze for Keg in the Session Beer category

Next up were the ALIA's (Australian Liquor Industry Awards) on October 19th. These awards celebrate all aspects of Australia’s liquor industry across off-premise, on-premise, beer, wine and spirits as voted by their peers. We were humbled to receive three nods over the course of the evening for:

Newtowner: Best Independent Craft Beer.
Cloudy Cider: Best Cider
AND Co-champion for Best Australian Brewery with our good mates at Balter.

A huge thanks to all the judges and punters who continue to support our beers and our team, and a massive congrats to all the other epic winners from each event.