Top 5 albums from the last 12 months, with Billy from Anti Fade Records


Although our Melbourne Best Served Loud gig may be postponed for now, we caught up with Billy Gardner from ANTI FADE Records who curated our killer lineup, to chat his fave albums from the last year whilst we count down the days ‘till the show.

Hailing from Geelong, Billy’s own musical journey began as a wee’un, drumming throughout school. After a brief hiatus, he returned to the drums when Ausmuteants formed in 2011. That same year, he put out a cassette and Anti Fade was born.

As one of Australia’s most loved independent labels, they’ve been responsible for releasing the tunes of Parsnip, R.M.F.C., Hierophants and heaps more Melbourne-based garage and punk bands.

Currently a member of Ausmuteants, The Living Eyes, Smarts and Cereal Killer, Billy’s got his fingers in allll the music pies. Read on to find out his fave albums from the last year.

CIVIC - Future Forecast

Well Civic really blew the roof off with this one. All their previous releases are a lot to live up to. But they certainly didn’t drop their game here. It really is everything that I hoped their first full-length would involve and more. The production is amazing. There’s a LOT of memorable choruses and don’t even get me started on the guitar playing. What a great guitar style Lewis has! Certainly one of my all time favourites. And the drumming is just ridiculous. Never a dull moment on here. Well done Civic!

THIBAULT - Or Not Thibault

An album I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time after seeing the band live in various forms in Melbourne over the last few years. A very beautiful and dreamy record that front-woman Nicole Thibault has really poured her heart into. It’s full of wonderful melodies all-round, vocal and instrument wise. My favourite track has always been Drama; ever since I first saw it live at the Tote front bar years ago, it’s been very memorable and repetitious in my tiny little head. I love the wah-wah guitar and the melodica on the recording. I saw the band launch this record recently and it was nothing short of a very special night.

SILICON PRAIRIE - My Life On The Silicon Prairie

Long time fan of Ian Teeple but this project is easily my favourite from him to date. He’s always been one of the finest guitar players in this modern day - but how the hell do ya play bass like that? The runs on the self titled track get me every time. Anyway there’s too many hits in a row on this record. Favourite track is probably Lay In The Flowers (what a tempo change) but basically every song is gold. I sure hope he does another record soon - though I’d assume it took him a while to build these tracks up from the ground. Sounds like it anyway! Great blend of punk, pop, garage, some kind of folk and Ian’s own whacky style!

LEWSBERG - In This House

This one is actually 14 months old but what ya gonna do! Love this record. My friend and workmate Albert Wolski introduced me to it after he’d read a good review on it at Yellow Green Red. Great lyrics and guitar playing - very much nailing the quieter moments of VU. But also loud when it needs to be. I don’t know much about the band except that they’re from Rotterdam, which is cool cause I don’t often hear of bands from round there doing stuff like this. I sure hope to hear more from them again sometime!

THE GREEN CHILD - Shimmering Basset

Green Child’s debut was such a smoker - it was certainly going to be hard to follow up with this one. But this ventures in a fresh new direction, while at the same time still sounding familiar. I’ve always thought that’s one of the hardest things to pull off about a second (or third, or fourth!) album; to make something that sounds new but still like the same band. Anyway, I love Raven’s voice. It seems to have this kind of dark and unique mystery to it; I feel like I’m explaining that really badly, but it’s very good. Nice to hear a bunch of real life drums on this one - all the drumming is great. And love the few guitar moments. The harmonies in the Smart Clothes solo are so sick! Worth noting that their cover of Canned Heat’s “Poor Moon” for Rising was also very good.

While we wait for our Best Served Loud show in Melbourne, you can also check out our curated playlist of tunes to get geed up:


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