Young Henrys

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Cooking with Oil: Beer battered oysters

We’ve teamed up with YH mate and Rising Sun Workshop Head Chef Nick Smith to deliver a series of winter-inspired recipes made with our favourite winter brew - Motorcycle Oil.

“In Australia, we often associate seafood with Summer, but some of the best quality is actually around in the colder months, which conveniently coincides with dark beer season. If you really can’t be bothered cooking, just eat the oysters natural with a glass of hoppy porter by your side, the creaminess and minerality of both are a fantastic combination. Better yet, have a mixed dozen of fried and raw.” - Nick Smith


  • 1 dozen Pacific Oysters - shucked

    Batter (combine ingredients)

  • 200g plain flour

  • 330ml Young Henrys Motorcycle Oil Hoppy Porter

  • 1/2 tsp golden caster sugar

    Sauce (combine ingredients)

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise

  • Juice of a lime

  • 3 tbsp chopped dill (or your favourite soft herb)


  1. Heat a deep fryer or 5cm of vegetable oil in a pot to 180c (when a drop or two of batter crisps up quickly.)

  2. Remove the oysters from their shells, blot briefly on a paper towel.

  3. Dredge the oysters in your batter and carefully place in the oil for 2 - 3 minutes.   

  4. Add a little sauce to each of the shells.

  5. Place the oysters back in their shells. Serve with more Motorcycle Oil!